Customer Service

Do or Do Not: Removing Negative Reviews

Do or Do Not: Removing Negative Reviews

Negative reviews of a product can have a negative impact on sales. In order to combat this, many companies and individuals will do anything they can to remove the negative reviews. They might bribe the reviewers or send them threats, or they might even sue the reviewers. While this is something that you should never […]

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empathy in customer service

Why Empathy in Customer Service is Crucial?

In today’s climate, it’s more important than ever to have strong customer service in every business or company. And while there are many elements to it, empathy is the primary key. Empathy is the ability to sense other people’s emotions and understand their perspectives. And when it comes to customer service, empathy is essential. When

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important customer service skills for employee

Your List of The 10 Most Important Customer Service Skills

In everyday life, we usually meet a person who provides customer service, for instance, when you go to a restaurant, the server will reach you and ask what you need to order food or simply when you ask about the availability of your favorite shoes in online store, the customer service will help you find

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8 Ways to Coach Employees to Better Customer Service

Customer service roles are the foundation of a great business. Your clients are your most important assets. A happy customer will also be loyal and more likely to refer other customers. This is why it is so important that your employees have the best customer service skills. If you want to make sure that your

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How Assistive Technologies Help Businesses Reach More People

How Assistive Technologies Help Businesses Reach More People

We all know that technological advancement is transforming how we live and work. Internet, computers, and mobile phones have created a new generation of information and communication technology (ICT) users.  However, we still leave many people out of this growing community of tech-savvy individuals. Many people are adept at using the internet to their advantage. But

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4 Tips to Increase Customer Service Standards

4 Tips to Increase Customer Service Standards

High customer service standards should be in place in all organizations. But, unfortunately, many companies have no clear idea of how to create them or they are unable to implement them. The main goal of the article is to help you achieve this goal by providing tips on how to implement good customer service standards.

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How to Get High-Quality Referrals from Customers

How to Get High-Quality Referrals from Customers

High-quality referrals are an important aspect of customer retention. A customer’s referrals are also a valuable way for businesses to spread the word about their products and services.  To get high-quality referrals, it is important to build strong relationships with customers and offer excellent customer service. Who Is This Guide For? This guide is written

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6 Great Email Tips to Apologize toward Customers

6 Great Email Tips to Apologize toward Customers

Having to apologize to angry customers or clients can be a big headache for many small business owners. It can take a lot of time and effort to make the situation right. Sometimes, however, an apology is all that’s needed to save your business from losing a valuable customer. In this article, we’ll share 6

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4 CRM Strategies You Need to Implement

4 CRM Strategies You Need to Implement

Customer relationship management (CRM) strategies have been around for a long time and have developed into one of the most successful software solutions for companies of all sizes. As a result, companies now have multiple ways to manage customer information and data. With so many different CRM solutions available, it can be hard to choose

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6 Things You Can Do To Be More Customer-Centric

6 Things You Can Do To Be More Customer-Centric

Customer-centric business model is a concept that has become very popular in the past decade. It’s a business model where the focus is not on making profits but on making customers happy. It also includes having an in-depth understanding of your customers’ needs and then creating solutions to meet those needs. There are many companies

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