Online Platform

Things That Can Hurt Your SEO Ranking

Things That Can Hurt Your SEO Ranking

You may wonder why SEO is so important. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO helps to improve your website’s position in the search engine results page (SERP). It also helps to attract new customers and improve your sales performance. Search engines are the backbone of any internet marketing strategy. Without a search engine ranking, […]

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Top 6 Anti-Spam Plugins for WordPress

Top 6 Anti-Spam Plugins for WordPress

Most websites today have anti-spam plugins. These are tools that are available for free, to filter and prevent spammers from sending you unwanted comments. They are very useful and help you control the number of spam comments you receive. The reason some people don’t use them is because they think it is a lot of

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How to Control Blog Comment Spam

How to Control Blog Comment Spam

Your company’s blog posts are highly visible and attract a lot of comments. It’s a great way to interact with your customers and build brand loyalty. Unfortunately, moderating these comments can be tedious and time-consuming. If you have too many comments to handle, they can start taking up valuable time you could spend on developing

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9 Rules of Successful LMS Implementation

9 Rules of Successful LMS Implementation

In today’s marketplace, a lot of businesses are looking for a successful LMS to help them meet their training and development goals. In fact, many organizations use this technology to get ahead of the competition. However, not all systems are equal. While some are good, others are not so great. This article looks at some

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6 Tips to Boost Your Traffic Monetization

6 Tips to Boost Your Traffic Monetization

Monetization strategies are extremely important for any website, no matter how big or small. In order to succeed in the long run, you need to make sure that you’re able to get more visitors, but you also need to make sure that you’re able to keep them on your site for a longer period of

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What's the Benefits of Using Pinterest Marketing?

What’s the Benefits of Using Pinterest Marketing?

Pinterest is a wonderful platform for many types of users and businesses. However, it is not a simple marketing tool and its use is rather complex. The first thing to understand about Pinterest marketing is that it is not for the faint of heart. This is because this social media platform does not allow you

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Here are 5 Call-to-Action Hacks That Will Boost Your Clicks and Conversions

Here are 5 Call-to-Action Hacks That Will Boost Your Clicks and Conversions

You can have a killer lead magnet or a top-notch sales page, but if no one ever converts, then it’s all for naught. This is why call-to-action is one of the most important aspects of any business.  The right call to action (CTA) will be the key factor in your success or failure with converting

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7 Trusted Partners for Safe Digital Payment Methods

7 Trusted Partners for Safe Digital Payment Methods

For years, digital payment has been increasing at a steady pace. The growth of digital payments has been an inevitable trend because of the convenience of transactions, low cost, and quick transactions. Online shopping is also one of the key drivers of this growth, as it has become very convenient to make purchases online. We

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You Should Know These Things Before You Use Pinterest to Market Your Business

You Should Know These Things Before You Use Pinterest to Market Your Business

Pinboards have been around for a while, but few people know what they are or how to use them. A pinboard is a great way to market your business and attract new customers, while you’re also having fun doing it. Pinboards are a lot like blogs in that they allow you to post pictures of

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Websites for Small Businesses: Blogger, WordPress, Squarespace, or Wix?

The idea of websites for small businesses is a popular one, but it is not an easy task to do. This is especially true if you are not familiar with website platforms. What should they use? WordPress? Blogger? Squarespace? Wix?  There are many options available, and the right option for your business depends on several

Websites for Small Businesses: Blogger, WordPress, Squarespace, or Wix? Read More »