How is Artificial Intelligence Related to Business Intelligence?

How is Artificial Intelligence Related to Business Intelligence?

First published: January 30, 2022 @ 6:00 pm

We’ve all heard of artificial intelligence being used in business. However, how exactly is it related to business intelligence?

In this article, we’ll discuss how artificial intelligence and business intelligence are related, and how you can use them to increase efficiency in your organization.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

How is Artificial Intelligence Related to Business Intelligence?
Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the discipline of making machines act intelligently. It is a branch of computer science and engineering that studies how to create intelligent machines.

Artificial intelligence involves developing computer systems able to perceive, reason, and make decisions. AI has become an important technology in modern life because it helps us understand the world around us and the world inside our computers.

This can be achieved by applying techniques and methods from the fields of mathematics, computer science, and engineering. Currently, every field uses it to some extent.

There are many types of AI; some examples include computer vision, natural language processing, machine learning, and robotics.

What is Business Intelligence?

Business intelligence (BI) is a field of study that focuses on the collection, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of information.

BI is a branch of information technology that is concerned with improving the management of an organization.

BI has evolved over the years from reporting and data analysis to the design and implementation of advanced analytical applications.

It has become an important tool for making better decisions, increasing operational efficiency, and improving organizational performance.

BI involves many different components and technologies that are integrated to enable this end goal. One of the more important components of BI is artificial intelligence (AI).

How Do the Two Relate?

BI systems can use Artificial Intelligence in several ways.

1. Conduct Statistical Analysis

How is Artificial Intelligence Related to Business Intelligence?
Photo by George Morina on Pexels

BI uses an analytics process to generate timely, accurate and meaningful business reports that can be easily understood by all levels of management.

The information can be presented in various forms, such as dashboards, reports, summaries or web pages. Businesses ca use it to support decision-making processes by displaying relevant data in context.

For example, a BI system may use artificial intelligence algorithms to interpret data so that it is understandable by humans. This allows businesses to have more control over their processes and improve them in any way possible.

This interpretation can help companies interpret data more easily, as well as make decisions based on this information more quickly. Using this data, companies will be able to optimize the manufacturing process of their products and services.

Machine learning involves the creation of computer programs that learn how to identify patterns and classify objects automatically through experience and data analysis.

AI-enhanced software would automatically analyze new information and classify it into categories such as risk or opportunity, while identifying opportunities for improvements within the organization.

2. Help with the Decision-Making Process

Another way AI can help business performance is by minimizing human intervention in the decision-making process.  

AI-enhanced software may interpret data, make decisions, and act on them automatically.

For example, if there is a lot of data about a particular business problem or opportunity, AI-enhanced software may use the data to automatically analyze trends and create potential solutions.

The AI-enhanced software may then present the results of its analysis to a human decision maker for review and approval.

The AI software would then work with the human decision maker to make an informed decision based on the collected information. Some AI systems may even forgo this entirely, having the abilities to act out certain decisions autonomously.

3. Aid in Marketing Campaigns

Artificial intelligence can also assist in marketing campaigns.

Incorporating intelligence in marketing is done by applying AI-enhanced software to collect and analyze data about customers, their habits, and the products they are interested in.

The AI software may also be able to automate certain parts of the marketing process, such as determining what type of advertisement is most effective based on data analysis.

By doing so, it makes it easier for the marketing and sales professionals to conduct sales forecasts.

4. Optimize Customer Service

Incorporating artificial intelligence can also improve customer service.

Customer service agents may use AI-enhanced software to help with customer communication. This includes quickly and accurately answer customer questions and requests.

The AI software may also automatically detect certain types of repetitive customer requests, so that agents can spend more time resolving more complex issues. AI can also help agents by making them more efficient in their work.

For example, if an agent needs to determine whether a customer has paid for a product or not, the AI software may be able to analyze the account information in real time and determine this automatically.

This way, the agent will be able to fulfil customer demand while minimizing their response time.

This is a common use of artificial intelligence in modern business; it helps companies perform their duties better while still maintaining customer satisfaction.

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