How to Run A SaaS Company Effectively

How to Run A SaaS Company Effectively

First published: November 15, 2021 @ 6:00 pm

SaaS (Software as a Service) has been around for a while now, but with the explosion of new startups, the model is still relatively new. SaaS business is all about doing things online, like customer support or sales. So, for this article, we will be focusing on the former.

The good news is that SaaS companies can be run like any other business; you can make a profit, grow your company and have fun doing it. This is not just about technology either. There are many other areas where SaaS startups need to focus on. You have to have a sound strategy in place before you start growing your company.

What is a Sound Strategy?

A sound strategy is a plan that has been thought out and made with the best interests of your company in mind. It’s not enough to just know what you want to do; you have to think about how you will achieve it.

A Sound strategy is one of the most important aspects of running a SaaS business. The good news is that there are some very easy things you can do to improve your company’s growth and success rate. Let’s take a look at each of these:


Once you have a plan in place, it’s time to start making money. Your plan should include some ideas on how you will make money with your service, but the most important thing is finding customers.

This is where it gets difficult for startups because finding customers isn’t easy, especially when you are starting out with no sales or marketing skills at all.

What does this mean?

Well, it means that if you are starting out with no sales or marketing skills at all, then this could be the hardest part of running a SaaS business for you. If you have a strong knowledge of sales and marketing already, then this will not be an issue for you. In fact, if this is the case for you, then it will be time for us to move on to the next step.

Product Development

As it has been mentioned before, your product development plan should include some ideas on how you will make money with your service. Constantly developing your product is the key to growing your business.

This is why startups are all about getting customers, it’s how you will get money. If you are looking for an idea of what type of product you should be developing, then read this article on  how to start a software development company.

The purpose of the product is not only to make money, but also to keep your customers happy and coming back for more. In fact, as a SaaS company grows bigger and bigger, the better products you have can also be a factor in attracting new customers.

Business Development

Once you have a product that people want, and you have a customer base that is growing, it’s time to start working on marketing and sales. This is the part where the rubber meets the road and this is where your company will begin to make money from day one.

In order for SaaS companies to grow quickly and stay profitable, they need to focus on business development as much as they do on product development or customer service support.

Challenges in Running A SaaS Company

So, with the above in mind, what are some of the challenges that a SaaS company needs to face?

Time Management

The biggest challenge that a SaaS company faces is time management. The more you grow, the more time you need to allocate to marketing and sales. You will need to allocate at least 30% of your time for this and even more if you want to get huge.

If you don’t have enough time for this, then it will be hard for your business to grow. For most companies, this means spending less time on other aspects of the business, such as product development or customer service support.

Sales and Marketing Skills

Sales and marketing skills are very important when it comes to running a SaaS company, especially when it comes to growth and profits. This is why you should spend at least 30% of your time on these two areas if you want your business to grow fast and stay profitable.

This is not an easy thing though; even if you have good knowledge in these areas already, it’s still hard work because selling products online can be very challenging at times. The good news is that there are plenty of free tools you can use to help you in this area.

If you have never done sales and marketing before, then it’s a good idea to read this article on how to become a sales and marketing professional.

How to Run A SaaS Company Effectively
Photo by Marc Mueller on Pexels

Growth Mindset

The third challenge that a SaaS company faces is the growth mindset. The problem with a growing mindset is that it can be hard to achieve when you are starting out. You have to believe in your product, believe in your customer base and believe in yourself as a person.

When it comes to growing your business, there will be lots of things going wrong along the way; but if you have a growth mindset, then this will not stop you from achieving your goals.

You will learn from these mistakes and use them as an opportunity for growth. The thing about a growth mindset is that it can take time to develop, but once you do, then it will be easier for you to grow your business even more quickly than before.

If you need more tips and references on running your SaaS company smoothly, explore WorkDeputy blog for more related articles.