Reinventing Your Business with Automation and Online Platforms

Reinventing Your Business with Automation and Online Platforms

First published: July 24, 2021 @ 6:00 pm

For business owners, the digital age is not a choice but a necessity. You cannot compete with big business without digital strategies.

However, with the rise of the digital age, many small businesses have to contend with bigger businesses who can afford to hire specialists to handle their digital strategies.

It is even more difficult for startups and small businesses who are struggling to get a foothold in the market. In this article, we will share how entrepreneurs and small business owners can use automation and online platforms to build a competitive advantage against bigger players.

What is Automation?

Automation in business is the use of machines or computers to perform processes that humans would normally do. A great example of automation is self-checkout lanes in supermarkets.

In this case, customers scan their own items instead of having an employee do it for them. Automation helps businesses save money by reducing labor costs and increasing efficiency through faster processes.

However, not all automation processes are cost-effective or time-efficient, so businesses should look into automating only those processes that will give them a competitive advantage over their competitors.

The advantages could increase efficiency or lower costs that allow you to offer cheaper prices to your customers. The automation journey is not only for processes, we can also use it to automate repetitive tasks.

For example, an email marketing platform can automatically send out newsletters or promotions without the need for employees to manually send out emails.

Automation is a great way for businesses to save time and money. However, this is only possible if the automation journey itself does not require too much time or money.

For example, you cannot expect to save time and money by having an employee manually write thousands of emails each day when you can use an automated email marketing platform that will send out newsletters automatically without requiring any human input.

Automation comes in two types:

1. Software Automation

Software automation uses computers or software programs to complete tasks that humans would normally do. This type of automation is usually more cost-effective than hardware automation because it does not require additional equipment such as robots and computers.

Hardware automation requires additional equipment like robots and industrial machines which are usually very expensive than software programs. Automating your business processes will help you gain a competitive advantage over your competitors if the process will allow you to offer better services at lower prices than your competitors.

In order to get the most out of your automation process, you should look into automating processes that require the most time and effort from your employees.

For example, if you are a small business owner and your employees spend most of their time responding to customer emails, you can use an automated email marketing platform to reduce the amount of time spent on email responses for a successful marketing automation.

Automation will allow you to save money by reducing labor costs while increasing efficiency through faster processes.

2. Hardware Automation

Reinventing Your Business with Automation and Online Platforms
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Hardware automation uses industrial machines or robots to complete tasks that would normally be done by humans. These machines can be very expensive compared to software programs, so hardware automation is usually only used in big businesses that have large budgets.

Hardware automation is more cost-effective than software automation because it does not require additional employees or software programs to operate the machines or robots.

However, this type of automation is usually more complicated and difficult to implement than software automation because it requires additional equipment like industrial machines and robots which may need automation expert technicians to maintain them.

If you decide to go with hardware automation, make sure that you have the right technicians and experts who can maintain the machines, so they do not break down when they are needed most.

What are Online Platforms?

Online platforms are websites or applications that allow users to complete tasks and interact with each other. The most popular online platforms include social media sites like Facebook, messaging apps like WhatsApp, and e-commerce sites like Amazon.

These online platforms can be used to automate your business processes by reducing the need for employees to complete certain tasks manually. For example, if you have a small business that sells products online, you can use an e-commerce platform like Shopify to create an online store for your products instead of hiring a web developer to create your own website.

An online platform will allow you to save money by reducing labor costs while increasing efficiency through faster processes. The main advantage of using online platforms is that they are usually easy to use and affordable.

Reinventing Your Business with Automation and Online Platforms
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They are easy to use because you do not need to be a technical expert to use them. Most online platforms offer free versions that can be used for small businesses. However, it is important to note that some online platforms may require a monthly subscription fee for additional features and services.

How to Reinvent Your Business with Automation and Online Platforms?

The rise of automation and online platforms has given small businesses a chance to compete with bigger players. You can use automation and online platforms to your advantage by re-inventing your business using these tools.

Here are some tips on how you can reinvent your business with automation and online platforms:

1. Reinvent Your Business Processes

Automation will allow you to save money by reducing labor costs while increasing efficiency through faster processes. However, you should only automate processes that are necessary for your business to thrive.

For example, if you are a small business owner and your employees spend most of their time responding to customer emails, you can use an automated email marketing platform to reduce the amount of time spent on email responses.

This will allow your employees to focus more on customer service which is one of the most important aspects of any business. The successful marketing automation will handle all the tasks related to sending out newsletters or promotions automatically without requiring any human input.

This will free up your employees’ time, so they can focus more on helping customers instead of spending hours replying to email each day.

2. Automate Processes that Require Expertise

Reinventing Your Business with Automation and Online Platforms
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If you are using automation or online platforms in your business, make sure that you only automate processes that require expertise and knowledge. If you are automating a process that does not require much expertise, then it is better to hire someone who can do the job manually instead of using software or hardware automation.

This will help you save money and prevent mistakes from happening because the process will be handled by someone who has more knowledge about it than software programs or industrial machines.

3. Find Online Platforms that Offer Automation

Online platforms will allow you to save money by reducing labor costs while increasing efficiency through faster processes. The main advantage of using online platforms is that they are usually easy to use and affordable.

They are easy to use because you do not need to be a technical expert to use them. Most online platforms offer free versions that can be used for small businesses. However, it is important to note that some online platforms may require a monthly subscription fee for additional features and services.

Automation and online platforms are gaining rapid popularity in this digital era. Now is your turn to use these methods to maximize your business growth! FInd more tips and information on our WorkDeputy blog.